Monday, December 20, 2010

The ole ball and chain

Spolier alert: if you gag easily at sappy facebook posts then this is not for you.

Let’s be honest. We all have friends on facebook that feel the need to constantly update to tell us how “perfect” or how “amazing” their significant other is. I usually try and skip past those posts as quickly as possible because there is something really needy about wanting everyone to see something that is so personal. Why can’t they just say those things to their sig other in a secret message? Anywho, today I’m a hypocrite (just today? :)) and would like to just say a couple things about my hubby as I’ve been reflecting on God’s goodness and all of the things he’s blessed me with.

Love has meant many things to a lot of people throughout the ages but these are things that I love about Luke. For my husband, who is perfectly imperfect.

- You are yourself all of the time, from someone whom you’ve just met to childhood friends. You are easy and fun to talk to (you make everyone feel included and equally harassed).

- You like what you like and don’t feel the need to conform (even when that means you log insane amounts of call of duty and for teaching Jake new phrases to shout in your headset)

- You are a leader (especially when it comes being first in line for Thanksgiving/Christmas/Summer dinners)

- You wash the dishes well J (you say you are more efficient than me)

- You are calm (after I’ve probably escalated an argument)

- You are adventurous (from picking up crocodiles with your bare hands to taking me scuba diving, to adventures in Central America)

- You are quick to say you’re sorry (must come from all of the practice) :)

- You are unique (Your facial hair styles have no rival)

- You care about the state of the world (let’s just face it, you are a nerd. Who else checks out economics books from the library?)

- You are a committed friend (I’ve still yet to understand the bromance you and Mike have together).

- You’re brothers look up to you (I guess since Jake is taller he looks down and Dane did outsell you in roofs this year)

- You are a musician (the star drummer in After Elam (they are really big in Lincoln, Nebraska))

In all seriousness, I am so thankful for Luke and for God giving me the days that I’ve spent with him. He is a true blessing and there are many things I have to learn from him. I pray God grants us many more. If you’ve anything to say to him please feel free to post a comment. Hope you didn’t gag too much. :)




  1. You know I dont think this is sappy. So neat to see your expressions of love and what that looks like in everyday life. May God continue to bless you guys. No I didn't cry but I wanted to! Ha

  2. Ok I just opened a google account so this time I should be able to comment. First of all I thought you were Luke most of the way thru the first paragraph and I thought it was going to be so sweet of him to sing your praises Katie. But, instead it was you and it was very sweet. I'm personally quite partial to Luke and also think that he's a great guy. I'm expecially glad that he married YOU!!! Hope you guys have a really fun Christmas and really good travels after Christmas. We'll be missing you here. Love you. Carol

  3. - You’re brothers look up to you (I guess since Jake is taller he looks down and Dane did outsell you in roofs this year)

    Just from this comment alone I see that Luke's wit is rubbing off on you! I'm glad that Luke finally found someone who loves him for him!

  4. Loved it...and ps I am one of those people who reads those sappy comments on Face book and then gets upset when my husband doesn't say stuff like that about me on his page. Oh well we all have problems, right?
    Miss you!
